Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My first attempt at CVSing

Ok, I know it has been a while, things have been a little crazy here, but thank God, life seems to be calming down a little. I think we may have one more extremely tight month and then it will get better. I'm still working part time for the attorney and Bob is driving a taxi. Really, better him than me, I couldn't deal with the public all day.

I am in major Cheapo Mode. I have been in CM since they cut Bob's WC benefits without a word. "Doctor says you've reached maximum medical improvement - Sorry." $1600.00 we were waiting for never coming. So after I panicked, I got down to business.

1. We shut off our cable, internet and phone through Comcast - WAY TOO EXPENSIVE.

2. We now have Verizon telephone and dial up internet. Slower, but at least it is on.

3. People PC for my internet provider - $5.97 per month - again, slow but at least we have it.

(Robbie wouldn't agree with me, he hates the dial up, but then he is seven with no job so, too bad sporty)

4. I have dropped my electric bill by about $100. Hanging laundry, unplugging everything I can when it is not in use. Computers (my boss gave me a second computer when he bought a new one for the office which the boys use to play computer games) are on power strips so the whole strip can be turned off when it is not in use. Unplug coffee pot, microwave, phone chargers when not in use.

5. I work from 9-12 and Bob works from 1pm to 1am. We only have one vehicle. He takes the truck to work on most days and the boys and I just entertain our selves at home.

6. Paid for season tags for the lake with saved change ($18.00) Now we are saving for a small pool for the back yard.

7. Pack lunch for the boys for school every day. (8 days left!!!!!)

8. The boys have been great about not being able to do all the things we used to do.

9. Filling out surveys and requesting samples online. (See Meghan, I swear we are long lost twins)

and finally

I went to CVS today. This was my first time CVSing. It is awesome once you get the hang of it. Here's what I got:
2 8 pack Bounty Paper Towels
2 9 Roll Charmin TP
2 Dawn dish soap
2 colgate toothpaste
2 crest toothpaste
1 Adidas Deoderant
1 DVD for the boys (we cut the cable - too expensive)
1 Dentyne gum
2 twizzler king size
Total paid: 24.59
$4.99 in extra care bucks to us next time.

The picture is of the boys at Lake Lenape in Mays Landing. Nice free entertainment.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

Love the Cheap Mode.

And I forgot I get a lot of Freebies from "Freebies4Mom" blog & "Moneysavingmom" blog.

Do a google search.
I will try to link them in my blog as well for you!

Good job at CVS!!