Sunday, June 8, 2008

Why do I do this every year???

Two afternoons at the lake makes mommy a very sunburned, tired, sweaty, CRANKY mommy. We spent the afternoons this weekend at the beautiful Lake Lenape. Because apparently now New Jersey is situated in the bowels of hell. As I sit here and write this, it is 7:42 pm and it is 93 degrees outside with the heat index making it feel like it is 102 degrees. So the boys and I went to the lake yesterday and today. I do this every year, I put sun block on, 50 SPF sunblock, not the Hawaiian Tropics Deep Dark tanning oil that I used in my youth. I burnt the crap out of my skin, but I smelled like a yummy pina colada. OOOOHHHH, a pina colada. Nice and cold and refreshing. Oh sorry, I lost my train of thought for a second. Back to the searing sunburn on my face. I don't know how, even with sunblock on, I get a sunburn the first weekend I go to the beach. Let me tell you, whiney, fighting kids + a sunburn makes for a very CRANKY mommy. I'm sweating, the boys are fighting, my husband is apparently in some kind of pissy mood, because he hung up on me today. (which by the way does not bother me because I just think of it as one less person who I have to listen to). Oh and the sweating under the boobs, I could really do without that too. Happy Stinking Weekend!!!

Even this picture is annoying me. It looks like one of those hideous celebrity DWI photos. Yep, me and Nick Nolte, we're hot!!!


Meghan said...

Sweating under the boobs!
Love it!

I have been doing so bad that I know have a rash under there & it hurts whether I wear a bra or not. Of course, I must wear bra or I could kill someone with these girls loose!

Off to watch the Next Food Network Star!

Jennifer said...

Hi Carol-
you are so funny!
I love the comment about your husband hanging up on you!
I mowed my yard this morning-my eyelashes are sweating! i didn't know they could!
Jennifer Facenda