Wednesday, June 4, 2008

There is a cloud over our house.

There must be a cloud over our house today. First, last night, Speedy, our turtle DIED. I can only hope my children wail as loudly for me when I "go into the light", as they did for that stinking turtle. Mind you, no one ever really paid attention to him unless I said "has anyone fed Speedy lately?" Unless you count when Justin would put him in the bathroom sink, put water in it and make a whirlpool for him. "He really likes it mommy!!!" Poor Speedy probably got so dizzy he just gave up. He was really tiny. I found him outside the door to my office about three years ago. So I tried to use the excuse that maybe turtles don't live very long. Of course, Robbie popped out with "No, in school we learned that turtles can live hundreds of years." Not when you spin them around like they're on a ride at Great Adventure they don't. So we are mourning our dear departed today. He has a lovely check book box casket and there will be a lovely service when Robbie gets home from school.

I had to pick up Justin at school today. Apparently, my kid is a world class yacker with an extremely sensitive gag reflex. We're so proud. He hasn't been feeling good for a couple of days, he's getting a cold, but his throat is swollen and red so off to the Dr. went. Pharyngitis. No Strep. Also no school tomorrow. Ice pops, jello, etc. He thinks he is in sick boy heaven. He also almost yacked on the Dr. when she put the giant Q-tip in his throad to take the strep test. It's going to be a long night!!!


Meghan said...

Hope J is feeling better.
Sorry about the turtle.

I, too, hope they wail for you when you go into the light.
Baahaahaa...that was funny!

John and Lisa Howard-Fusco said...

Wanted to write back and thank you for the AM Sickness sympathy on SJMomBloggers, but there's so many messages posted today, I panicked! Glad I came to check out your blog instead. We, too are in major belt-tightening mode, up to our eyeballs in debt and sick of it. It's funny how you really CAN live w/out cable- I've really caught up on movies (mostly from the library or the super-cheap option on Netflix). Funny thing today, though-I woke up feeling better. Maybe your "cloud" will lift by tomorrow,too...keep on bloggin'!