Friday, September 21, 2007

I am the worst mommie ever!!!!

They should take my mom license away. I FORGOT THE TOOTH FAIRY!!!!!!!! I can't believe it. I feel like DYFS should come and take me away. Robbie has had a loose tooth for about 3 weeks, unfortunately the big tooth started to grow and was pushing his front tooth down, making it hand lower than this other teeth, kind of like those fake red necky looking teeth you can buy at Spencer Gifts. So you couldn't even look at him without laughing, because there was this lone tooth sticking out. Anyway, it came out in school yesterday where they gave him the little tooth necklace to put his tooth in until he got home, which he kept swinging around and I was waiting for the tooth to fly out and land in someones food while we were eating dinner at the mall. So, we got home, he made a big ceremony about putting his tooth under his pillow and we all went to bed. TO SLEEP. Not to stay up until he was a sleep, but to sleep. So this morning my alarm went off and I was laying in bed and I heard a sad little gasp and he came running into my room - Mommy!! Mommy!! the tooth fairy forgot me. I swear to got at that moment I would have writtent he kid a check for $100 if it would make that sad little face happy.

We went into his room. He always makes me open the window when he looses a tooth so the tooth fairy can get in. Luckily we didn't open the screen so I told him she probably couldn't get in and probably left it for him somewhere else.

So I ran like a bat out of hell, got $3 out of my purse (the only other thing I had was a $20 - yeah right) and wrote a note from the tooth fairy and taped it to the front door.

Alls well that ends well. He was fine - I was scarred for life.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A question

I have a question. Why do women think that they can go out in public with curlers in their hair, but as long as you have a scarf on, no one will notice???? I was at lunch yesterday at a chinese buffett and there was this lady who had curlers in her hair (yes, apparently someone in the world still uses curlers and she also apparently lives near me) the size of orange juice cans. I'm telling you they were humongus. But she had them covered with a scarf. I know, your thinking a tasteful black or tan scarf, right? WRONG!! She had this tacky orangy green scarf over these orange juice cans.

I worry if I go out with no make up on. Apparently, its not a problem
I am now a cub scout mom. Actually, the Den Mom - oh my god, how did this happen, I am my mother. It started out with little things, threatening to put the boys out on the side of the road and pick them up on my way back if they don't stop fighting. Telling my stepdaughter that if she wants privacy, she should get a job and buy her own house. Blah Blah Blah.

That's it, I'm her, I might as well buy a station wagon (brown with no radio!!!!!), take to wearing polyester pants (with the permanent seams sown in) and telling my kids I don't care what ___________'s parents let him do, I'm not his mother.

Anyway, the boys wanted to join cub scouts. Ok, no big deal, a meeting once or twice a month, how bad could it be. Then the Pack Leader asked for volunteers to help be the den leader... no one said anything, people were looking at the floor, then it happened, I heard a voice, a familiar voice, saying "ok, I'll do it." The voice sounded so familiar. Wait a minute, that was my voice. So now I am the new den leader for Troop 126.

So, that is how I turned into my mother. She was always volunteering. It was always pretty cool to have my mom be the one who always did stuff. All the kids knew who my mom was. Now that she has been gone for 18 years, I guess it is kind of ok to be turning into her.