Thursday, September 20, 2007

I am now a cub scout mom. Actually, the Den Mom - oh my god, how did this happen, I am my mother. It started out with little things, threatening to put the boys out on the side of the road and pick them up on my way back if they don't stop fighting. Telling my stepdaughter that if she wants privacy, she should get a job and buy her own house. Blah Blah Blah.

That's it, I'm her, I might as well buy a station wagon (brown with no radio!!!!!), take to wearing polyester pants (with the permanent seams sown in) and telling my kids I don't care what ___________'s parents let him do, I'm not his mother.

Anyway, the boys wanted to join cub scouts. Ok, no big deal, a meeting once or twice a month, how bad could it be. Then the Pack Leader asked for volunteers to help be the den leader... no one said anything, people were looking at the floor, then it happened, I heard a voice, a familiar voice, saying "ok, I'll do it." The voice sounded so familiar. Wait a minute, that was my voice. So now I am the new den leader for Troop 126.

So, that is how I turned into my mother. She was always volunteering. It was always pretty cool to have my mom be the one who always did stuff. All the kids knew who my mom was. Now that she has been gone for 18 years, I guess it is kind of ok to be turning into her.

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