Friday, April 11, 2008

My Crazy Life

Well, I am now a partial stay at home mommie. I left my job at the beginning of April. Long story, not even worth repeating. Anyway, on the day I decided to leave my job, I got a new part time job. Still in my field, I am still a paralegal, but I work about 15 hours a week. I love it, the boys love it. I am home to put them on the bus in the morning, then I go to work for about 3-4 hours and then I am home when they get off the bus. Money wise, things are much tighter, but life wise, things are great. I get to be home to help the boys with their homework, give them a snack. This was a big step for my, I prayed about it and asked God to show me the right thing to do and this is what I felt was right. So, this is what I did. So now it is time for me to be the queen of frugal. Wish me luck. I'll keep you posted.


Meghan said...

You go girl!

Meghan said...

When are you going to update this blog????

Listen I started a group for mom blogs..go here & join...