Friday, August 8, 2008

Something New At Our House

We're trying something new at our house. This is something they did a couple of years ago in the kids program at church. We go to an awesome church, check out their website - Anyway, a couple of years ago, the boys got these "caught" buttons that the parents were supposed to use when they caught their kids doing something good, rather than catching them doing something bad. You should correct them when they are doing something wrong, but make a bigger deal about the things they do right. So we've decided to do that at our house. I made up sticky notes that say CAUGHT and they have a little prize written on them, a$1, a piece of candy, 15 minutes to stay up past bed time, etc. We made these little bulletin boards with just some 12x12 scrapbook paper and stickers and stuff. Now they can hang up their caught stickers, I can leave them little notes, once they go back to school, they will have a list of the things they need to do in the mornings before school, etc.
They got their caught stickers because they have been such good boys today, sharing, playing nicely, helping each other. I'm interested to see if the positive reinforcement brings more of this behavior.

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