Friday, August 8, 2008

Every once in a while they listen

We went to the 4-H Fair today. We had a blast. I set aside $20.00 for tickets for the rides. When we got there they were either $1 per ticket or 30 for $25. Most of the rides were 4 tickets!!! $4 to ride the ferris wheel that looked like if I stood on my tiptoes, I could touch the top. So I here the boys talking between them. "Maybe if we don't go on the rides, Mommy will give us the money and we can buy something." They were saying that it was crazy to pay four bucks for a ride, you don't get anything at the end, just to sit on the ride.
So they made the deal with Mommy and they each got $10 to spend. Then they were even smarter and put their money together and bought two things that they both wanted and they'll share.
See, every once in a while, one of those lessons you try to teach your kids does sink in.

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