Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Look what I got!!! My friend Meghan at http://meghansmindlessmuttering.blogspot.com/ gave me an award. She is like the coolest mom ever (she can even get her 2 year old to change tires - check out her blog, she's got pictures.)

Here are the rules for the award:

Here are the rules:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Link to the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you have nominated.

So, the award goes to...

http://abbykey.blogspot.com/ - I love Abbey's pictures, they are beautiful. I check out her blog every day.

http://monthbymonthwithgingerbug.blogspot.com/ - she keeps me on track, like your mom wispering in your ear to do your chores.

http://damomma.com/ - She has the funniest stories about mommiehood ever. I love to read the stories about her girls. I have a great respect for mommies of little girls and her two are hysterical.

http://lifewithmy3boybarians.com/ - She has three boys. We mommies living with all boys have to stick together.

http://bagmomma.blogspot.com/ - I have been where she is and I am sooooo rooting for her.

http://www.scjennandfamily.typepad.com/ - Jenn is another South Jersey Mom, and she does beautiful srapbooking.

http://nestingplacenc.blogspot.com/ - She has the coolest decorating ideas ever. Meghan turned me on to this blog too. I tell you, that girl knows everything!!

So congratulations Ladies!! Catching up on your blogs everyday is what I do at work (I have a very easy paralegal job and lots of computer time)


Darcy @ m3b said...

Well, hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog. And thanks for the award. That was mighty cool of ya'.

And if my friend Nester doesn't get back here - it's because she's on vaca (brat) and there is a wholly mammoth on a hamster wheel that runs her computer.

We boy moms definitely have to stick together. :)

Meghan said...

Love the blogs you picked!

Shelli said...

awwww.... thank you fellow Jersey girl!!

Thanks for rooting for me, I need all the positive thoughts I can get!

The Nester said...


Thank you so much for the award. Finally, someone thinks I know everything. can you please inform my children of that?

Oh, and I bet our boys would get along great!