Friday, March 14, 2008

The School Bus

Robbie told me about his bus tonight. This must be the party bus of the first grade. First of all, Justin S (as opposed to our Justin N) is a fascinating boy. He apparently is an extremely good at burping. "Mommy, Justin S. can burp the whole alphabet, all the way up to won't you sing!!!" isn't that cool. Oh yeah, I'm impressed. Then they apparently have burping contests and if they don't want to burp anymore, they have crying contests. To the point of having the bus driver think that they really are crying. Then there are the little demon kindergarteners who ripped the little skull face right off of Robbie's Pirates of the Caribbean back pack. There is also Taylor, the mush mush girl, who apparently loves my sons. Note to me - have lllllooooonnnngggg talk with the boys about the evils of girls.

Good Lord, they are only in the first grade. I am terrified to see what happens in middle school.

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