Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I've been tagged.

My friend Meghan, (whose blog i read every day, it is so funny) tagged me. I love these things. I like to read other people's answers, it makes me feel not so weird.

1. Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with ten weird, random things, facts, or habits about yourself.
2. At the end, you choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them to be tagged.
3. You can't tag the person who tagged you.

So here we go:

1. When I eat jelly beans, I don't bit them in half, I roll them around in my back teeth crunching off all the coating and then I eat the middle.

2. When I eat Johnson's popcorn, fiddle faddle, crunch and munch, I will pick out all the peanuts and then I don't want it anymore.

3. I come from a family of italian cooks. Putting my hands in baked ziti or macaroni salad to mix them up does not bother me. If I get a drip of honey or jelly on my fingers it makes me nuts.

4. I hate when people leave the water running when they brust their teeth. Waste Waste Waste.

5. I do not like loose teeth or teeth that have just fallen out. The boys love to show me their wiggly teeth or when the tooth when it falls out because they know it skeeves me out.

6. I am with Meghan, I don't like my food to touch. Mixing mashed potatoes with corn. YUCK!! and yes, I do know that it all goes to the same place, but while it is still in my mouth, I don't want it mixed up.

7. I can roll my tongue. Something that would gross my mom out, so I guess grossing out your mom is a generational thing.

8. I talk to my sister every day. Sometimes 5-6 times a day. About what you ask?? Usually nothing.

9. I am a chapstick junkie. I can't help myself. If I see a flavor that sounds good I buy it. I must have 10 tubes.

10. Good night or Goodbye, I kiss my husband 4 times. How's that for TMI!!!

OK, I tag:

1. Karen - cause I know you'll do it
2. Mairi - cause I know you'll have good answers.
3. Jenn - cause Goggle says so.
4. Alice - you're family, no reason to admit my weirdness alone.
5. Dawn - cause you're my friend.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

5. I do not like loose teeth or teeth that have just fallen out. The boys love to show me their wiggly teeth or when the tooth when it falls out because they know it skeeves me out.

That is so me!
I am dreading the day Ethan has a loose tooth. Ick. And I wanted to be a dental hygienest for awhile! LOL