Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Today is Pet Peeve Wednesday

Why, because today is Wednesday and I have a peeve. LADIES ROOMS. I hate public restrooms. They are gross and I have many different issues with them.

1. How in the heck to women pee on seat. Even if you squat so as to not touch the seat, it is not like a man where you need to aim and shoot. EWWWWW.

2. If you do happen to pee all over the seat, wipe it off. Three seconds of courtesy would be much appreciated.

3. FLUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you can flush at home, it is really not that different in a public restroom.

As I said before public restrooms are disgusting. Those are my ladies room house keeping peeves. Here are my general ladies room peeves.

1. When the toilet paper won't come out. You know, when you pull the toilet paper and it gives you like one square at a time. You're always hopeful that this time you'll get more than one square, but no, it always tears at the last second.

2. No toilet paper in your stall or it is in the dispenser but you can't figure out how to get it down to use it.

3. When you go to dry your hands and you just want one of those prefolded papertowels but the thing is stuffed so full that you get about ten. WASTEFUL!!!

4. Those automatic paper towel machines that you have to wave your hand in front of to get the towel and you have to pull off the first one before it will give you a second one. If you spill something, you'll be standing there for 10 minutes waving at the stupid machine while the water is pouring all over the counter.

Anyway, these are just my opinions of public restrooms. Know where I was right before I wrote this????

1 comment:

di_namic said...

Hi Carol
Not quite the post to reply on -LOL- but wanted to let you know I put my Fall decor out including those lovely things you sent me last year and I felt the need to say Hello and give you an ehug.

Life continues busy, busy, busy here. Big building works going on in the house and Chaos around.

Love the pic of twins pre-back to school and hope they have settled in well!

Kind regards Diana from the UK